Agroecology is sustainable farming that works with nature. It promotes farming practices that mitigate climate change. These include reducing emissions, recycling resources and prioritising local supply chains, work with wildlife by managing the impact of farming on wildlife and harnessing ...
Honey bees (genus Apis) are well known for the impressive suite of nest defenses they have evolved to protect their abundant stockpiles of food and the large colonies they sustain. In Asia, honey bees have evolved under tremendous predatory pressure ...
Cassava farmers are battling to get better varieties of stems that can produce high yields amid the absence of inputs from both the federal and state governments. The farmers face many challenges such as non-availability of land, poor land preparation, ...
The fresh green garlic season in Egypt is coming to a close giving way to the Egyptian dry garlic season to start in May, says Mai Yassin, export manager at Egyptian fresh produce exporter Stars of Export. “We’re in the ...
The lime market in different parts of the world is experiencing varied conditions. In the Netherlands, after a period of low prices, the market for limes has significantly improved due to increasing demand and better quality arrivals. Similarly in the ...
I rented clothes instead of buying new, and saved $53 a month—here’s the No. 1 reason I’ll keep doing it, says Megan Sauer. It’s dramatic and probably insensitive to say I have a shopping addiction, so let’s call it what ...
Women entrepreneurs — Does a woman entrepreneur’s personal resilience or the resilience of her business have a greater impact on her well-being? And does it matter what size family she has? A Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply ...
Economic Recovery —… Policymakers haven’t always considered how economic shocks impact women and men differently — or how governments should respond. When the 2008 recession hit, few asked how stimulus measures would affect women compared with men. That approach won’t ...
As spring reaches the Northern Hemisphere, the strawberry markets in various countries enter new phases too. In the Netherlands, the shift from Spanish to Dutch strawberries is happening with local supply opportunities arising. Germany is still importing mainly from Southern ...
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) plans to support 4,600 of the most vulnerable Ukrainian farms and other agricultural producers during the 2023 spring sowing campaign. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian ...
Sustainable farming: A new study has shown that farmers who aren’t traditionally perceived as having the most social and cultural power in their community can be more effective at convincing their peers to adopt new practices. The findings could have ...
Pesticides have been detected in flowers not targeted with the chemicals that could be an additional, underestimated threat to pollinators according to new findings by Trinity and DCU, published in the Science of the Total Environment. “This is the first ...